erikleenylen [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com

Employment History

Data Scientist, Parsec, New York, NY
July 2016 – Present

Fellow, Insight Data Science, New York, NY
Jan 2016 – March 2016

Graduate Assistant, Center for Neural Science, New York University, New York, NY
Sept 2010 – June 2016

Graduate Research Assistant, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Department of Pediatrics, Iowa City, IA
May 2008 – June 2010

Laboratory Assistant, Carver Family Center for Macular Degeneration, Iowa City, IA
Adviser: Edwin Stone, MD, PhD
June 2006 – June 2010

Commercial Construction, 1st Interiors Inc., Des Moines, IA
Summer 2005


PhD, Center for Neural Science, New York University
Sept 2010 – June 2016
Adviser: Alex Reyes, PhD

MS, Biomedical Engineering, The University of Iowa
May 2010
Adviser: Steven Stasheff, MD, PhD

BSE, The University of Iowa
May 2008
Honors in Biomedical Engineering


Bornstein AM, Nylen EL, Steele SA. Unblocking the Neural Substrates of Model-Based Value. J Neurosci, 2011, 31(28):10117-10118.

Thompson S, Stasheff SF, Hernandez J, Nylen EL, East JS, Kardon RH, Pinto LH, Mullins RF, Stone EM. Different inner retinal pathways mediate rod-cone input in irradiance detection for the pupillary light reflex and regulation of behavioral state in mice. IOVS, Published online ahead of print, Sep 16, 2010. doi:10.1167/iovs.10-6146. [html]

Schindler EI, Nylen EL, Ko A, Affatigato L, Heggen A, Wang K, Sheffield VC, Stone EM. Deducing the Pathogenic Contribution of recessive ABCA4 alleles in an outbred population. Human Molecular Genetics, 2010, Vol 19, No 19, 3693-3701. [html]

Welder J, Nylen E, Oetting TA. Marfan Syndrome. EyeRounds. May 6, 2010; Available from:

Nylen EL. Quantitative Analysis of Retinal Function in Early Stages of Retinal Degeneration in the rd1 Mouse. MS Thesis, The University of Iowa. May 2010. [html]

Working Papers

Nylen EL, Wright AC, De Geest LR. Donor behavior around fundraising goals: evidence from donations to children’s hospitals. Submitted 2015


Nylen EL. “Ophthalmologic Surgery Simulation Device,” Patent #7896653, issued 03/01/2011.


Stasheff SF, Nylen EL, Hassey E. Retinal ganglion cell stimulus-response relationships identify pathway-specific alterations for categorization and staging of retinal degeneration. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting.

Nylen EL, Graupner M, Reyes AD. Spatiotemporal dynamics of sub- and suprathreshold tone-evoked responses in auditory cortex. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Nov 19, 2014, Washington, DC.

Nylen EL. Tools for Estimating the Human Bandwidth. UT-Arlington Summer Seminar in Mind,
Cognition, and Neuroethics. July 12-14, 2010, Arlington, TX.

Nylen EL, Stasheff SF. How much does a diseased eye see? 3rd Annual 2010 Midwest Eye Research
Symposium, Iowa City, IA, June 25, 2010.

Nylen EL, Stasheff SF. Using Information Theory to Quantify Functional Capacity in Retinal Disease
[abstract]. ARVO 2010 Annual Meeting, May 2-6, 2010, Ft Lauderdale, FL1875/D756.

Thompson S, Nylen EL, East JS, Kardon RH, Pinto LH, Sheffield VC, Stasheff SF, Mullins RF,
Stone EM. Different bipolar cell input pathways for negative masking and the pupil light reflex in
mice[abstract]. ARVO 2010 Annual Meeting, May 2-6, 2010, Ft Lauderdale, FL 669:D733.

Nylen EL, Stasheff SF. Information Theory in Retinal Degeneration. 2nd Annual 2009 Midwest Eye
Research Symposium, Iowa City, IA, July 10, 2009 (Awarded Outstanding Oral Presentation).

Nylen EL, Stasheff SF. Segregation of Visual Transduction Pathways in the Developing Retina
[abstract]. ARVO 2009 Annual Meeting “Reducing Disparities in Eye Disease and Treatment”,
May 3-7, 2009, Ft Lauderdale, FL 2009:D698.

Nylen EL, Stasheff SF. Ganglion Cell Latency Using A Maximum Likelihood Estimator. 1st Annual
2008 Midwest Eye Research Symposium, West Branch, IA, June 27, 2008.

Teaching Experience

T.A., Brain and Behavior, New York University
Fall 2011, Spring 2013
・Lead weekly laboratory sessions for non-science majors

T.A., Data and Image Acquisition and Analysis Laboratory, The University of Iowa, 051:080
Spring 2008
・Supervise/instruct Junior-level BME laboratory on bioinstrumentation

Calculus & Statistics Tutor, DMACC, Des Moines, IA
Summers 2004, 2005

Clinical Research

Clinical Research, UIHC Dept. of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
May 2008 – June 2010
・Design and test automated perimetry programs for visual field analysis
・Testing for color vision deficiencies, dark adaptometry, electroretinography
・Advisers: Edwin Stone, MD, PhD; Chris Johnson, PhD

Undergraduate Honors Project, VA Hospital, Iowa City, IA
June 2006 – May 2008
・Designed model simulation interface for residents in ophthalmology
・Adviser: Thomas Oetting, MD

Senior Design Project, UIHC Depts. of Urology/Biomedical Engineering
Sept 2007- May 2008
・Designed bladder pressure monitor for control of urinary incontinence
・RERC on AMI Nation Student Design Competition grant, $2,000.00
・Advisers: Edwin Dove, PhD; Karl Kreder, MD

Volunteer Experience

The Stand, NYC’s Dance Marathon
2012 – present
・Co-Executive Director (2015-present)
・Dancer Relations Director (2014-2015), Morale Committee (2012-2014)
・Founder, Data Analytics Team (see Nylen et al, 2015 above)

NY Metro Iowa Club
2012 – 2015
・Social Media Chair

Dance Marathon, Children’s Miracle Network and UI Children’s Hospital
2004 – 2010
・Morale Captain, Morale Captain Assistant (3 years), Independent dancer

Talk Radio Host, “Only Science,” KRUI 89.7FM, Iowa City, IA
June 2008 – December 2009
・Interview local and national scientists in weekly forum

University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Aug 2005 – May 2006
・3 hrs/week, Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit

Other Leadership

MacCracken Fellow
Sep 2010 – present

Mentor, Electrical Engineering Senior Design Team
Aug 2008 – Dec 2009
・Advise team developing digital color vision screening device

IEEE, Student Member
July 2008 – present

ARVO, Student Member
July 2008 – present

Presidential Scholar
Aug 2004 – May 2008

University of Iowa Honors Program
Aug 2004 – May 2008


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