Houdini at Bat

“I could do things like tap the dirt off my cleats with the bat and swing back and forth like they taught us. Twist the neck and squint, spit. Stepping up to the plate, though I’d look forward to where the ball was to come from, the pitcher, and all I’d see was an etching . . . → Read More: Houdini at Bat

The Greatest Light

Josef was a man ever-growing his capacity for the arts, never satisfied. He took to knitting once, starting with hats and gloves to keep him warm in the winter’s freeze and graduated to quilts and rugs before tailoring lush curtains for Broadway and, in a rare sense of adequacy, retired his deft talent upon catching . . . → Read More: The Greatest Light

Stars and the Sky

Winter was a world of darkness. Arriving before sunrise, six out of seven days were in the lab, in the dark room. In vision experiments, I had to control every photon that was meant to be seen, meaning stray light was prohibited from leaking into the room with lots of felt and duct tape.

. . . → Read More: Stars and the Sky


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