By Erik, on August 15th, 2016% MTV’s reality dating show Are You The One combines 10 guys and 10 gals whose “scientifically determined” hetero love-match sits across from them — without either party of the matches knowing the identity of their match. Each week the contestants pair up at the end of the episode and the total correct number of matches . . . → Read More: Are You The Data?
By Erik, on March 22nd, 2016% I have recently pushed a large amount of my code to GitHub. This includes tools I’ve written for machine learning, neuroscience analytics/modeling, and business intelligence. Specifically, the code is primarily in Python, and spans analysis of geospatial data using kmeans clustering, models of acoustic representation, and some databasing tools for monitoring the Amazon marketplace.
Access . . . → Read More: I’ve gone open source
By Erik, on February 8th, 2016% For the last 7 weeks, I’ve had the great pleasure of being a Fellow at Insight Data Science. It has been an immersive experience, exposing me to many exciting features and opportunities in the world of data. My project while at Insight was a tool called As The Drone Flies, a web app for routing . . . → Read More: Insight
By Erik, on June 12th, 2015% I recently played drums for the album Confession by Mary’s Roommate, written by NYC Poverty Justice Fellow David Billingsley. Check it out:
We are performing the album tonight at Bestbar on W 41st St in NYC.
By Erik, on January 30th, 2015% I am excited to join the Executive Committee of The Stand – New York City’s Dance Marathon! As the Dancer Relations Director, my goals are to catalyze a useful dialogue between all members of the organization, from dancers and miracle families to donors and committee members. I use state of the art analytics to drive . . . → Read More: The Stand 2015: Join the Team
By Erik, on March 13th, 2014%
By Erik, on March 13th, 2014%
By Erik, on March 13th, 2014%
By Erik, on March 11th, 2014%
A rock band from Brooklyn began a couple years ago when David Billingsley wanted a more alternative/grungy sound. He split off from the nerd-funk quintet Space Clamps, to form Mary’s Roommate. After an initial line-up re-arrangement, he recruited me to play drums, Richard Brown (drummer from Space Clamps) to play bass, and Lawrence De Geest . . . → Read More: Mary’s Roommate Album: Useless!
By Erik, on March 10th, 2014% Inspired by the summer I lived in the basement of Marty’s house, my illustrated children’s story The Old Lady and the Giant is ready to leap off more than my shelf. If you know any literary agents or children’s book publishers, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I’m looking for any and all . . . → Read More: The Old Lady and the Giant
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